Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What I have learned while building a cabin

Well...I don't know if you'd call it a cabin.  It's only 8 x 12, just under the 100 sq. ft. permit requirement.  Today JoAnn and I put the windows in, with only minor traumas, and so it is really feeling and looking like something.  I've had SO much fun!  And here is what I've learned.

1.  I've learned that you should read the printing on OSB before you nail and glue it down.  It doesn't do much good to be able to read "This Side Down" once it is attached.
2.  I've learned that it is very difficult to get an 8 inch post hole in exactly the right place.
3.  I've learned that the ridge pole on a roof should be very straight.  If it isn't, everything is thrown out.
4.  I've learned that building a cabin is a good opportunity to pick up a couple of new tools (Sawzall and Tack Hammer) .
5.  I've learned that tongue and groove boards have a flat side and a grooved side, and that ideally, builders should be consistent.  I wasn't...
6.  I've learned that there are many many different kinds of nails, and the one that I need at any given time is the one I am out of.
7.  I've learned that if you are running several power tools off one extension, the one that you need is not the one that is plugged in.

Those are my primary lessons so far.  We have a door to install, and a roof to shingle, so more to come.  This is tons of fun!

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